Saturday, May 17, 2008

TILT: (Thu) Friends blogging ... with good music?

Caught a business friend's blog just now off the air on Twitter somehow (I'm not even sure).  He has this cool time lapse video of him at his Mac.  He put a backtrack of this song by Edison Glass called "Let's Go" which is pretty good.  I just purchased the CD on Amazon -- only $1 more than the MP3s, so with free shipping why not get it here!  Cool stuff.  I learned that some people I know do a LOT more online than I do.  Amazing stuff.


Anonymous said...


Glad you liked the video. and the song for that matter. Did you get the CD yet? What do you think?

BruceMR said...

They're good, actually, Brandon. Still getting used to them. I've got to start posting (somehow) my iTunes faves in some way. I've got a bunch of things to share with you, but no time. I'll try blogging them at some point, I suppose.