Monday, May 26, 2008

TILT: (Sat) Tab Benoit: Niche yet nice and warm

Actually, the wife and I went with some friends to hear Tab Benoit last nite. He was great. We've seen him 3 times now, and I think I have at least 1/2 his albums. His mix of personality and playing is just fantastic. He can do so much with just one guitar, and I only wish I could play like him. Takes practice. Many others attending were also repeat customers and I overheard while waiting to shake his hand after that some were road tripping to VA beach to catch his show there Sat nite.

It's nice to see that some dedication can bring dedication out in fans. Guess it pays off, even if I'm sure he doesn't make as much money as many in this business. He does have a loyal and long term following. Niche, yes, but nice and warm -- the title of my favorite song that he did play last nite. It was a lot slower yet very interesting. Always fun to see interpretations and reinterpretations of songs live like this by artists. Lovely. I love live music in smaller venues where you can get close to the band and really see them making music. If you need binoculars to see the band, you're not in a good place. This was a small place and was really great.

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