Monday, May 26, 2008

TILT: (Tue) And, then I visited the Jails

After all that police stuff, I visited the folks who run the jails. Interesting line of work. I must confess that I do find that interesting even if ... hard to imagine. So many movies about prisons and how the warden is bad (Brubaker, etc.) and the prisoners live a harsh life. Surely there must somewhere be some good stories coming out of incarceration. No? Well, I can't think of any either. Mandela's bio, maybe? But, I never saw that; I'm not even sure it's a movie. Bridge on the River Kwai? Sort of -- but it was mostly the guy who escaped who benefitted -- until he was killed of course, along with the Brit guy (Alec Guiness) who marshalled the men better than the warden could. To what avail? The good of his people, but not for the war effort really -- getting the trains across that bridge would after all abet the enemy.

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