Saturday, May 17, 2008

TILT: (Wed) Birthday presents from someone paying attention

I had a great birthday a few days ago.  Got good presents, as I noted.  But I was thinking today that my wife really did remember something I'd mentioned at least two months earlier about a belt and shirt from Lucky.  She remembers.

Plus, she tries new things.  She went to a thing in NYC and heard some new bands that she thought I'd like, so she got a few CDs for me.  And, surprisingly, I do like them.  One, Grizzly Bear, is sort of like Radiohead -- which I like.  The other, John Amos, is a really good singer with a range of choices that just sound good.  Nice work, girl!

So, how do good present givers do it?  I think they notice things, they remember things, they try harder.  Why can't I be like that?  Even for my own wife.

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