Saturday, July 19, 2008

TILT: (Wed) Paris day 1 -- very modern art

First museum: the Centre Pompidou with it's modern collection. I enjoyed this, though having just recently been to the MOMA in NYC, it seemed similar in many ways. The outside of the museum obviously is very interesting -- it's famously inside out and indeed amusing in view. It sits just within so much of old Paris -- sticks out like a sort thumb to many Parisians I hear. But, it's fun.

Then, for more fun, check out this rhino's rear and related pictures.

Then, one picture that was 3D that was such fun to walk around.

They let you take pictures, so long as there's no flash. These are all just with the 2 megapixel iPhone camera I have. I didn't take another better (but still small) camera, which I now regret. I'd thought of it, but the daughter had the good one with her in Philly. Oh well. I'll make do with these shots.

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