Saturday, September 27, 2008

TILT: (Sun) I like to make noise

With my guitar, mostly. I just like it loud. I like to play loud. I like to hear loud. It's amazing I can still HEAR at all. Like Pete Townsend. I hope not. But, I do like it loud -- especially on guitar. Did I mention that?

Sunday, September 21, 2008

TILT: (Sat) Posting from Picasa

So, can I easily do this?
From Print Possibilities

TILT: (Fri) Get your hands off my guitar!

Ok, so I've had one dropped before. And, broken. And, never repaired. It was my first. So, I'm a bit concerned when I see that my daughter's friends and my daughter herself are using it without asking. I would get mad, but ... well, I just worry. I hope they don't break it. I hope. Please?

TILT: (Thu) Just moved a chair in the lair

Actually, in the dungeon. Closer to the HD TV, for the football game. The furniture has been one way for forever (2ish years). Why not change? It's just one chair. Then again, when my wife sees it, she'll KILL me. Things are supposed to be as she likes, even in MY TV room. Oh well. A little disobedience isn't bad, is it?

TILT: (Wed) Fetish: lusting after things

A new section for the blog: what do I desire to buy? Cool new expensive watch? Cool new Merrell Vertex shoes? Whatever I see in the NY Times magazine mens fashion section? Sure. But most I can't afford. Doesn't mean it's not worth looking, does it? Some days, I do wish for these things. Other days, I think this is stupid and anyway who has the money.

But, those some days, I sure do lust after things. Don't you?

You just want to try them on. To look different, more sophisticated, more cool. More hip, if indeed someone 47 ever can look hip anymore. More like an artist, less like an analyst. How to pull that off, that style, that slight difference that makes people notice you a bit more. Yes, I do wish I were more hip. Perhaps before I get a hip replacement. Maybe that's what my current wardrobe needs, a hip replacement. Or addition, since it doesn't have much to replace.