Friday, August 8, 2008

TILT: (Wed) Ever watch too much TV?

I have. I have done this. I have had it done to me -- like in Clockwork Orange! No, not really.

Sometimes I just start watching tube in the dungeon (aka the basement, where I have the HD 50 inch installed), and then fall asleep, then wake, then sleep, then wake. You get the pic. I'll wake up at 3am -- am I still watching TV or not?

Hard to tell, I'll admit. From behind my eyelids, perhaps.

It's quite the disjointing experience. Sometimes I think -- I'll just watch this next show -- then, I wake up again and think I've watched. But, I've slept. Or, I'll say -- time to get up and head to a real bed (my couch frankly is NOT that comfy). But, I don't -- I fall asleep again on the couch thinking about doing it.

To sleep, perchance to dream? No, to sleep, and pretend to watch TV.

I think I'm busted. Broken. Stuck in a rut, anyway.

It's a bad habit. Gotta stop. Gotta turn OFF the damn TV!

But, that HD is SO COMPELLING. And now the Olympics are coming. Well, at least I'll get some sleep!

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