Friday, August 22, 2008

TILT: (Fri) Have you made a "gasoline investment"?

I just heard a radio add talking about "preserving" your "gasoline investment" by purchasing a locking gas cap! Wow. Granted, gas is expensive, but it ain't no investment. It's more like food -- a necessity and also rapidly used up. So, you can't keep it around for a while and see if it gets more valuable -- it's not like gold or stocks. Odd way of trying to sell a locking gas cap. I don't even think there are significant reports of gas stealing, but I'm too lazy to look it up. I think this goes in that category of "might happen, but pretty unlikely" so why go out and buy a locking gas cap?

Example: Berry Picking with Kids notes this:
"if you’re looking to make good on your gasoline investment and spend more time, some farms offer additional activities" (my bolding)

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