Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I want to be in the web-scale identifier business

I found this article The Simple Joys of Web-Scale Identifiers when reading my friend Nick Gall's blog: Ironick which is, perhaps it goes without saying when referring to a friend's work, FANTASTIC.

The point of the article is that we should stop inventing new GUIDs (globally unique IDs) and just reuse those others have already created. If we did, we could all find when we're referring to the same thing and perhaps leverage that. The article discusses this in the context of music -- identifying artists or songs uniquely so that everyone referring to a particular version even of Led Zeppelin's "Whole Lotta Love" would get the same version (e.g., live or studio). Then, we could take that to iTunes and/or Amazon or Last.FM to hear or buy that song. We could produce song lists that everyone could reuse against their own personal copies.

Life would be great. So, how do you get into the standard GUID business? How did MusicBrainz? These are the things I need to research.

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